Rock records to groove to before the year ends with Eddie King, Tahani & Donar Wing. Listen to the uplifting, soothing melodies here with us!:
Eddie King-The Grand Reveal
You need a rocker who can pack a punch. Look no further than Eddie King. This is a musician that can get you stepping with his brilliant tunes. A proficient virtuoso in the genre he loves, Eddie King is able to encapsulate decades of rock in verses of music. The Grand Reveal is a rock song that references a lot of themes, has a powerful message and tune to live by. It is your commandment for understanding a whole new perspective- complete with a chant that becomes the chorus. Eddie King brings a simple chord progression with balanced tones and a bare-bones message that is for everyone. Cherish that tasteful guitar solo:
Tahani-Psychological $uicide
A songstress who is able to sketch her own range, Tahani returns with her single called Psychological $uicide. Like any of her songs, it is rich in character, the kind of passion she delivers the lyrics with. Having a reading of the current world and how scenarios unfold, Tahani is able to channel a fireball of fury for the chorus. She complements the instrumentals with a finesse, something that requires great versatility and understanding of the theme. She connects to the little things, the larger battles we ignore through one melodic manifesto that can alter the course of thoughts. Another stellar number by Tahani, check it out here:
Donar Wing-Sentence of Christmas
Capturing the contrast and theme of the holidays, here is Donar Wing. The musician is someone who has shattered presumptions that something anew cannot be started late in life. A brilliant singer, he has been able to lend emotion to every lyric he writes. Sentence of Christmas has a melancholic strains, yet is able to preclude a positive aura for us all. The instrumentals are luxurious, rich and envelope his vocals to show a blanket of love and comfort. It is the spirit of a ballad performed by a musician who has carried the best of the time. Inspired by Michael Jackson, Phil Collins, Bryan Adams and more, his angle is something the world lost. Donar Wing is able to fly in like an angle, and light that spark of hope:
Check out the incredible tracks in the playlist here!: