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Indie pop 3 in 1 this week celebrates passion with music from Fabúla, Terra Renae & Anjalts

Emotional melodies swirl with incredible, passionate music from Fabúla, Terra Renae & Anjalts. Listen to their crafted music here with us!:

Fabúla-With His Eyes Closed

Fabúla is a personification of motion in the arts. With each song, you hear a story. Each story has a rich, complex background around it. Performing her single called With His Eyes Closed-this one will be a character canvas that you will be intrigued for. Minimal instrumentals play in the background while Fabúla makes precise observations of this mystery. She chooses pre-chorus elements to make a tingling, resonating sensation that might make you shiver. Her vocals are brilliant-versatile yet booming with a character that you would not be able to predict. There is even a jazzy break where instrumental inspiration splashes across in a vivid spectrum of colour. You could almost hear the ending, with your eyes closed:

Terra Renae-In My Dreams

Incredible production and vocal performance comes together in Terra Renae’s music. It is like hearing polished, Billboard crashing pop while having the maturity and virtuous energy of an entity motivated. Terra Renae brings her all in the latest single as well, called In My Dreams. It is a passionate, accented piece with incredible zeal and character-flowing with positivity. The instrumentals have a bounce that Terra uses to her advantage, to almost bounce off of. Range and a riveting rise come together in the chorus, not only showcasing how she can execute a song-but elevate a dream like this. Listen to Terra’s song here:

Anjalts-December Snow

With passion that cannot be captured in words, Anjalts has been able to do a justice to her craft in many ways. A songwriter, producer, & multi-instrumentalist, this musician has been able to visualise her song to great depths. The result hence, is something that not only blossoms with soul, but precision that is celestial. December Snow might be seasonal, but is the personification of the feeling of the time. Her layered writing is at its best here, opening like a ballad and teasing a curtain drop of epic proportions. Released on 13th December, it has already crossed 16k listens with what she is able to depict through the power of music. You found your snow angel:

Check out the indie pop playlist here as well!:

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